this tiny project was finished and abandoned in 2016.

Press SD or left-right to move left and right dodging the black blocks

Press WS or up-down to alter speed (semi-deleted, unnoticeable)

Press to pause and unpause.

Press Z to slow up time.

Press X to get a faster time.

Press G to restart the game.

Press M to go back to the menu.

press N to cheat to skip a level.

press B to back to the last level.

Press English keyboard's number = Cheat to jump to different levels (0-7)

press English keyboard's minus = Camera Smooth Delay Time = 0.1f

press English keyboard's equals =  Camera Smooth Delay Time = 0.9f

press English keyboard's backspace =  Camera Smooth Delay Time = 0.4f


blockrunner v1.1 (window).zip 86 MB
blockrunner v1 (webGL) 35 MB
blockrunner v1 (window) 78 MB

Install instructions

unzip this shit and play it.

Development log